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Goddam them all. Damn fate, which decreed that I had to be born a female. This galaxy is a terrible place to be a woman. Look at poor Elionara next to me, forced to participate in the Rape Run just because genes decreed she’d be beautiful. Salarin wasn’t even merciful enough to ease suffering after his victory. She’s off the wooden ridge but has been abandoned by her rapist to hang from her stretched arms, raped and then crucified. Elionara is struggling for air, her lungs stretched by the ropes until they’re almost useless. She’ll gradually suffocate if she’s left in the frame. Perhaps if she dies there in her bonds it babe will be a kindness. Surely a quick end is better than whatever waits next for me. 24 - Bed Nightfall finds me still just as naked, but at last removed from the wooden frame and also away from display in front of the whole camp. I’m lying in one of the crude buildings surrounding the camp of Salarin. The place is no more than a mud hut really, containing little more than my single bed, one of the military types with a collapsible frame meant to be easily carried, and a couple of foldaway chairs. masseur On my back on its mattress, I am left to await whoever was next given rights to enjoy the use of my body. My restraints for this new location are light but effective – with the cot where I lie raised from the floor on feet at the corners, my wrists were simply threaded under the bed, between the props, and handcuffed together. Thus it is completely impossible for me to rise from my back, or use my hands to protect myself in any way. My ankles have been left free, creating blowjob the illusion of some freedom, but I’ve been roped above my knee joints to the bed frame, holding my thighs open and leaving my lower legs dangling over the sides. I’m lying back on my long red hair, which spreads out on the mattress underneath me in a blood colored fan. My full breasts, without the assistance of gravity to hang in their pert shape, spill to the sides across my chest. They did not offer me any more healing ointments before leaving me here, so the red welts from my whipping, which crisscross all over my front and sting on my buttocks and the backs of my thighs, throb with pain. There was no need for them to restrain me really – I have abandoned hope and will spread my legs if that’s what they order. I do not wish to be needlessly tortured for a lost cause, so if massage I am commanded to surrender myself, I will do so. I have accepted that I am not strong enough or brave enough to prevent these men from raping me over and over, and the easiest path for me comes through submission. It seems like so many lifetimes ago that I was a woman with vitality and spirit, that I can barely believe they only captured me this afternoon. This morning I was a virgin with my life before me, I was pushed into the carnivorous flower by Ja-Alixxe early in the afternoon, and now, after sunset, I already don’t know how many men have had sex with me. I have lost count. Vaginally raped – I sensual think it goes into the fifties. Anally – perhaps the thirties. “I always considered you a friend. I whimpered in delight, squeezing down around him. Then she dove forward, springing up on her arms and flipping around to land on her feet before transitioning into a triple cartwheel. By the time we got babe back to our booth, our young companions weren't the only ones going crazy. He made his tongue flat and ran the tip of it over my clit which sent shivers through my body. Only its destined owner would. “What do we do?” Maddie asked. Mercedes's jaw dropped. Nursing services! She really needs to sort her shit out, okay? I told them masseur I had a sailboat at the marina. I would be too if you came to me with a proposition like this, but I’m serious as a heart attack.” “That’s massage not the point.” "Does it feel good in your cunt baby?" “I should have waited and tied you up properly,” I spoke to the girl, taking out the blade I always kept stuffed in my bra. Hang on a minute.” I said as I went into my bag and came out with 3 of my ‘strings only’ thongs. She nodded, her ass flexing as she rubbed her pussy into the girl's face. “Daddy no, blowjob Please put it back in. I feel so empty” May cried as the powerful orgasm she started to have turned into one of frustration. C and take a quick shower. I read all the comments here... Her tight slacks highlighted her arse as she walked and her obviously bra-less tits wiggled. “Come on daddy you let me have wine before, last Christmas remember when I got tipsy, or on Molly’s birthday? Hermione said haughtily. There was a loud crack of thunder and a big flash of lightning that illuminated the motel room in a pink glow. Juices gushed out of her while cum fired out of my girl-dick. He filled me to the hilt. Seemingly without any effort, and as I was still being speared by his rod, Daddy sensual moved me to the middle of his and Mom’s King-Size bed. When all of a sudden she pulled my double Ds out of the top of my costume and started sucking on them. “Damn, I feel like I’m virtually naked.” I told Shell and Beverly while we were lying on our respective towels on the sandy beach of the lake just outside of the city.

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